Saturday, April 7, 2012


I'm sorry for the long absence on my blog.   We were dealt a surprise in September when we found out that my mom had kidney cancer.  They removed her right kidney on January 6th and she has fully recovered and is doing great.  My husband and I just returned from a 2 week trip to Reno, Nevada, where we had a great time.  I got sick while we were out there and came home with pneumonia.  However, that is all over with now and I'm fine now.  Having fun scrapbooking the photos from this trip and using some of the beautiful paper I've collected.  I will be featuring some of these pages on the blog in the next few days and weeks.  In addition, I've been scrapbooking my son's photographs from his trip last May to Canada as part of a study abroad class.  Trying to get caught up on those so I will be ready to scrapbook his photos from his trip to Australia this May.  YIKES!!!  Plus, there are so many other things to catch up on.  You will be seeing a lot more action on this blog in the coming days and weeks.  I hope you will come back to visit! 


Angie Blom said...

So sorry to hear about your mom and hope she is doing well!! Wow you have been under the weather , glad you are better too! Can't wait to see your beautiful layouts. Happy Easter !!

Valerie said...

I look forward to seeing you here more often!